Wedding Surprise

I was hired to play a wedding at the Battery Park, in Charleston SC. The grooms 14 year old son was the only person, other than the bride-to-be, that knew I would be playing at the wedding. 

Well, the young man played drums in the school band and asked her if she could arrange for him to play with me. Well, she asked and I agreed. The only problem is that they lived 200 plus miles away in Charlotte North Carolina. 

In order to make this work, I recorded the songs and sent them to him via email. I told him to just play along with what I recorded and he would do fine.

The big day arrived and I parked away from the ceremony and met up with my new drummer. When the bride arrived, she exited the van and we marched her up to the Gazebo. The shock on her husband face hearing the pipes was good. However, the second look of shock, seeing his son playing along with me, well….the look on dad’s face was priceless.

Author Mike HostlerPosted on 21st July 2019Categories UncategorisedEdit

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